Missing number puzzle list – finding missing number in the triangle using mathematical manipulations and calculations.
Helps in improving ones analytical and thinking capacity.
Below, one can find a collection of interactive missing number puzzles. use your mathematical skills and solve the ones.
Missing Number Puzzle # 1
Above puzzle is a simple addition puzzle i.e. one just has to add the numbers and will get answer.
Missing Number Puzzle # 2
This puzzle is simple addition of bottom two numbers and subtracting the upper one from it.
Missing Number Puzzle # 3
In this puzzle one just has to multiple all the three numbers to get the final result.
Missing Number Puzzle # 4
Solution: Addition of left two numbers followed by multiplying it with the third number.
Puzzle # 5
Simple addition puzzle i..e adding all the three numbers together.
Puzzle # 6
Solution: Adding the left two numbers followed by subtracting the third one from it.
Puzzle # 7
Multiplying the left two numbers followed by dividing it with the third one.
Puzzle # 8
Subtracting the bottom two numbers from the top one.
Puzzle # 9
Adding the bottom two numbers and raise it by the third number will give the final result.
These missing number puzzles are asked in govt. exams, MBA entrance exams, job interviews etc.
For “Odd Man Out” puzzles i.e. for finding the missing numbers in a series follow the following link:
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