An article about “Study of Mountain Types – Fold, Volcanic, Residual Mountains” the types, formation, ages, characteristics etc. Mountain formation is basic process of landform formation which is caused by denudation which can be caused by Running water Rain Frost ...
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Sanskrit Facts The Language of Gods
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Rivers in India – Sacred, Longest, Oldest, Types
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Republic Day speech in Hindi
admin“छात्रों के लिए गणतंत्र दिवस भाषण” (Republic Day Speech in Hindi) और ~ 500 शब्दों का एक नमूना भाषण जो गणतंत्र दिवस (Republic Day) के लिए एक संपूर्ण भाषण तैयार करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है के लिए ...
Computer Fundamental Notes in Hindi (हिंदी) Links
adminनमस्ते दोस्तों | आप सभी का स्वागत है मेरे “computer fundamental notes in Hindi (हिंदी) Links” आर्टिकल में जहां पर मैं आपको कंप्यूटर फंडामेंटल्स (Computer Fundamental) के हिंदी (Hindi) नोट्स (Notes) की जानकारी देने जा रहा हूं Relevant Information: Brain ...
Paragraph on stay at home in lockdown in Hindi
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Geography (MCQs) – Banking, Competitive Exam Practice Test – 20
adminBasic Geography Questions: Part 20, for Banking, Competitive Exam Preparation giving you an idea about questions asked in Geography in competitive exams. Que (476): The term ‘truncated spur’ is associated with which process? A. Nanocomposite B. Latent heat C. Extruders ...
Geography Competitive Exam Prep. – 19
adminQuiz on “Geography Competitive Exam Prep. – 19” giving you an idea about questions asked in Geography in competitive exams. Que (451): On moving from a pole to the equator what we find in population of plants and animals? A. ...
Geography Competitive Exam Preparation – 18
adminQuiz on “Geography Competitive Exam Preparation – 18” giving you an idea about questions asked in Geography in competitive exams. Que (426): What the twelve constellations to as zodiac? A. A group of stars B. Group of planets C. Group ...
Geography Prelims Exam Preparation – 17
adminQuiz on “Geography Prelims Exam Preparation – 17” giving you an idea about questions asked in Geography in competitive exams. Que (401): Which peninsular river is westward flowing? A. Tapti B. Ganges C. Mahanadi D. Himalayan rivers Answer Tapti nan ...